
The second movie night with Sascha Kolowrat and his “Café Elektric”

On Wednesday 21 Sep 2016 viewers in the Lucerna cinema had the chance to see another in the series of famous silent films by Sascha Kolowrat, – “Café Elektric”. For Sascha Kolowrat this was to be his last film, but for Marlene Dietrich, whom Sascha Kolowrat introduced to the silver screen, it was her first big motion picture role.


Czech Radio 2 extends the invitation to see the films of Alexander Joseph Kolowrat-Krakowsky

Guest of the ‘Afternoon on Two’ show of Radio Two, broadcast on 8 September 2016 were Maximilian Kolowrat-Krakowsky and Dr. Richard Pecha, author of the book about Alexander Joseph Kolowrat-Krakowsky entitled “Benzin & celuloid”. The host of the show, Václav Žmolík, spoke with his guests about the life of this successful automobile racer as well as cinematographer and producer, whose three most famous films were The Moon of Israel, Café Elektric and Sodom and Gomorrah, which are being shown in the month of September at Lucerna cinema.


‘Petrol & Celluloid’: Race car driver and film mogul, Count Sascha Kolowrat

The biography of Alexander Joseph, Count Kolowrat-Krakowsky came about at the behest of the Kolowrat-Krakowsky Family, to mark the 130th anniversary of his birth.

Author Richard Pecha gathered together a host of factual data covering the extraordinary life of this remarkable man, Sascha Kolowrat, arranged chronologically year-by-year. The book contains 280 reproductions of period photographs and printed matter, 20 original illustrations and a photo-story based on the last film production by Sascha-Film “Café Elektric”.


Dominika Kolowrat-Krakowská on the Czech Radio 2

The guest of the ‘Tobogan’ show, broadcasted live on Saturday 23 April 2016 from the U Hasičů theatre was JUDr Dominika Kolowrat-Krakowská together with Count František Kinský and the etiquette specialist Mr. Ladislav Špaček. Hosting the “Blue blood” topic was Halina Pawlowská, with musical accompaniment by Věra Martinová.

You can listen to the entertaining ‘chat show’ via the link:

Die Familie Kolowrat-Krakowský besuchte das Škoda-Museum in Mladá Boleslav

In diesen Tagen geht im Škoda-Museum in Mladá Boleslav eine fesselnde Ausstellung zu Ende, die anlässlich des 130. Jahrestages der Geburt von Alexander dem Grafen Kolowrat-Krakowský unter dem Titel „Das Leben wie ein Rennen: Alexander Kolowrat und erste Sport-Erfolge der Marke Laurin & Klement“ veranstaltet wurde.


Unique medallions depicting notable ancestors of the Kolowrat-Krakowsky line

Going on sale under the auspices of the Czech Mint is an exceptional set of 4 medallions of pure gold and silver. The medallions bear on their faces notable ancestors of the ancient noble House of Kolowrat-Krakowsky as depicted by the Czech academic sculptor and medal maker Michael Vitanovský. The unified reverse side by the graphic artist Barbara Solperová shows the coat of arms and bilingual motto of the family: Věrně a stále – Pro Fidelitate.


The Young Prague music festival brought many delightful moments

Culminating its 24th season, the Young Prague International Music Festival took place with notable support from the Kolowrátek Endowment Fund. This was a fine presentation opportunity for many outstanding, young and talented artists from diverse countries, ranging from Japan to the Czech Republic. This Festival, with its classical music focus, has been a great venue for performers to show-piece their talent and establish convivial and artistic contacts with colleagues from around the world. The young artists’ performances were a truly moving experience!


The Sasha Kolowrat Rally 2015

In June this year the town of Přimda was once again filled with classic car and motorcycle enthusiasts. Now in its fifteenth year, this was the venue of the popular international rally of historical vehicles, organized in honour of Alexander, Count Kolowrat-Krakowsky, the car and motorcycle racing driver.

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