Alexandr Joseph Count Kolowrat-Krakowsky
Film producer, car and motorcycle racing driver
Film producer, car and motorcycle racing driver
Honorable Knight of the Order of the Knights of Malta, Chamberlain, Imperial Privy Council, Sponsor
Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Minister of State and Minister of Conference, Founder of the National Museum in Prague, Sponsor
Archbishop of Prague
Jesuit, Sponsor, Exemplary Canon, Scholar
Chief Feudal judge and chief bailiff of the Czech kingdom, Sponsor
Charming and kind-hearted continuer of the family property administration
Politician, visionary and restorer of the family estate
Member of the Imperial Council and the Czech Assembly, Second Class knight of the Order of the Iron Crown
Field Marshal, the right hand of Marshal Jan Josef Václav Count Radecký from Radeč
Czech grand prior of the Maltese knights order, The ambassador at the imperial court in Vienna
Chamberlain, Lieutenant-Colonel (Oberstleutnant)
Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Grand Prior of the Order of Malta in Bohemia, Cavalry General, Field Marshal
Commander of the Order of the Knights of Malta, Commanding general in Bohemia, Lieutenant Field Marshal
Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, The supreme Czech-Austrian Chancellor, First Minister of State and Conference Minister
Supreme feudal judge, Supreme Judge in Bohemia
Cavalry General, The owner of the Kolowrat dragoon regiment, Grand Prior of the Order of Malta
Field marshal and military commander in Moravia
Knight of the Golden Fleece, Grand Burgrave, Supreme Judge
The Highest Chancellor of the Bohemian Royal Court
Supreme Provincial Chamberlain, President of the Appellate Council in Bohemia, Sponsor
Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Elector in Koln, Sponsor
Guvernor of the Rakovník region
The Highest Chancellor of the Kingdom of Bohemia, Royal Commissioner
The Archbishop of Prague, Grand master of the Military Order of the Crusaders of the Red Star
Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Provincial governor, President over appeals, Sponsor
The Highest Burgrave, Hofmeister, Chamberlain, Sponsor
Imperial Council, Associate of feudal chambre court, Sponsor
Chamberlain and Imperial Council
Governor of Rakovnik region (1562–1571)
Governor of Rakovnik region (1537-1547)
Governor of Rakovník region (1540–1541)
The highest judge of feudal court in Bohemia
Supreme chamberlain, Supreme chancellor of Bohemia
Canon of Prague and Vyšehrad, Administrator of the Prague Archdiocese, Sponsor
Associate of the Feudal court
Guvernor of the towns of Prague, Intermediary governor of the Kingdom of Bohemia
Co-founder of the Augustinian monastery in Dolni Rocov
Founder of the St. Augustine´s order´s monastery in Dolni Rocov