February marks the 420th anniversary of the birth of prominent politician, judge, landlord, and patron, Count Vilém Albrecht I. Count Vilém died on his 88th birthday, so this same month also marks the anniversary of his passing.
The end of March will once again see Global Money Week taking place in the Czech Republic. This will be the fourth year in a row that the Czech Republic will be participating in this important global project, whose mission is to fight poverty, support financial literacy and promote enlightenment in financial prosperity across generations.
The male members of all branches of the Kolowrat family concluded a Family Agreement. On January 29, 1629, this Agreement was made valid by Emperor Ferdinand II.
The online magazine Lifestylenews brought an exclusive interview with Francesca Kolowrat-Krakowska on plant alternatives to cow's milk.
The Lords of Kolowrat adhere to the family motto LOYAL AND CONSTANT. They remain faithful to the land, the sovereign and God. The members of the family include both great national patriots and generous patrons of the Catholic Church.
On Saturday November 9, 2019, the Saint Hubert Mass was held in Kladruby, at the monastery Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and officiated by Miroslav Martiš of the Roman Catholic parish of Pilsen.
Count Leopold Vilém I. was a Baroque nobleman in all respects, excelling in his education and exceptional abilities. He was especially a great politician. He achieved the post of first state and conference minister, becoming head of the supreme state authority.
Count Václav devoted his entire life to serving God, and became an example of high Baroque piety. At the wish of his father, he joined the Society of Jesus (Jesuit order) at a young age, where he commenced his spiritual path.
Let us remember Oldřich František Count Kolowrat-Liebsteinský, who rose to fame for his functions as supreme burgrave and major domo, but also as a competent steward and an important patron.
For the fifth consecutive year, summer camping took place at Zobák, not from the Diana hunting chateau. This year’s camp was attended by thirty children from the Přimda Elementary School and the Tachov Children’s Home.
The tragic anniversary of the Lidice massacre was commemorated on Saturday, June 15th. The official memorial ceremony organized by the Lidice Memorial was accompanied by a show of children’s ensembles called Light for Lidice.
The Augustinian monastery in Dolní Ročov with the Church of the Assumption of Mary was founded in 1373 by Albrecht the Elder of Kolowrat, together with his two sons. In the charter of the Order, the family undertook to support the monastery financially.
The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta is one of the oldest Catholic orders in the world.
On Saturday, June 15th, the 19th annual Ride of Saša Kolowrat took place in the town of Přimda. The Ride was also organized as a memorial to František Tomáš Count Kolowrat-Krakowský, who founded the tradition of the Ride in 2001.
Jan Nepomuk Karel Count Krakowský-Nowohradský of Kolowrat, with the predicate Baron of Újezd, is better known as Hanuš. During his lifetime, he established himself in politics and government, became part of the Order of the Knights of Malta and achieved high honors and awards.