10th anniversary of the death of František Tomáš, Count Krakowsky of Kolowraty
He was born the youngest of five children to Jindřich, Count Krakowsky of Kolowraty and to Marie, née Klimtová. He left for Ankara in Turkey in 1946 with his parents, where his father was the appointed Czechoslovak ambassador. After the Communist putsch of February 1948, the whole family was forced to emigrate to England and on to the USA.
After graduating from the prestigious Hotchkiss High school in Lakeville (Connecticut) he spent a year studying French and History at the University of Grenoble. After returning to the USA, he continued his studies at Columbia University and completed his studies at the University of Vienna.
In 1968 together with his brother Ernest he made a promotional film, the success of which (it won 2nd prize at the New York Film Festival in its category) led František Tomáš into an artistic career, in which as cameraman and producer he made a number of commercials, several short films and three feature films. He remained in the film industry until the end of 1989, when political change swept through his native Czechoslovakia . He was the only child to return with his father to their homeland, where they regained their family estate in the restitution process, and he played a key role in its restoration. After his father’s death he took charge of the entire estate and administered it dutifully and responsibly. At no time did Count František overlook his noble obligations to charity and supporting the arts. He extended the lease agreement signed by his father with the National Theatre, which utilizes a section of the Kolowrat Palace in the Old Town of Prague. In 2002 he contributed a considerable sum to the Red Cross and to municipalities affected by the devastating floods; he unstintingly supported physically and mentally disabled children and adults and generously supported the charity projects of various foundations and endowment funds, schools, children’s homes and cultural events.
The unassuming and much loved Count František Tomáš fell prey to malignant lung cancer on June 26, 2004 and on July 9, 2004 was laid to rest in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Týnec u Klatov and subsequently was interred in the family burial chamber.