We want to share with you the joy of stories of people, to whom The Kolowratek Endowment Fund has already helped with major contributions. Kolowratek has helped them fulfill their dreams , often given them a helping hand in starting their career, supported their dignified life and improved their quality of life. We believe that at least a few of these stories will delight you and warm your heart, just as they have ours.
Klara Frybortova´s thank for help for her small daughter
Dear Madam Kolowrat-Krakowsky,
I would like to thank you very much for your financial donation for my daughter Veronika Kacerkova, who was born with congenital hearing impairment. Your financial donation helped us get quality hearing aids for our daughter, which will help her in her development. We only have them for a while, so she is slowly getting used to them, but we can already see the difference and that it is helping. She shows more interest in toys with sounds since wearing the hearing aids.
We appreciate your help,
Klára Frybortova, mother

Little Žanetka already in a new car
Kolowratek has helped handicapped children again this year. It was decided to contribute to the purchase of special strollers, walkers or just as in Žanetka´s case a car.
Like many of the children helped by our Kolowratek, Žanetka suffers with cerebral palsy. Her parents did not suspect anything at first, but after nine months of Žanetka´s life it turned out that something was not right. After undergoing many examinations, the diagnosis was confirmed to her parents.
Žanetka still cannot sit without support, crawl or walk and communicates poorly. Her parents are doing everything they can to improve her condition. Apart from visits to doctors and rehabilitation, Žanetka swims in the pool, undergoes hippotherapy and attends a special preschool, which requires her parents to spend considerable amounts of money. Žanetka´s parents were aware of the need for a car to transport her between individual locations. However, due to their financial situation, they were not able to cover fully the cost. Therefore, they turned to our fund for help. We decided to contribute CZK 60.000.
Žanetka is now driven in a new car. She shows a tremendous will to live and does not give up easily. As if she was aware of her parents' great efforts to improve her condition, she rewards them with a beautiful smile, good mood and patience, which she no doubt inherited from them.

Peter Moc´s acknowledgement for support of his dream study
Dear Mrs. Dominika,
Four years ago I was, thanks to you and the Kolowrátek Endowment Fund, allowed to study jazz guitar at the prestigious Newpark Music Centre school in Dublin, Ireland. Without your support and the support of Kolowrátek, I could not afford my studies. During this time, I have fulfilled my dreams and played with just about every major jazz performer. I have also co-operated with the Czech Embassy in Dublin and performed at the most famous jazz festival, Bray jazz Festival, in Ireland with my compatriot Vendula Šmoldasová alias Zeurítia. I am a very happy person and I am also extremely grateful to you and to Kolowrátek. I have now completed my studies after four years and I am leaving with my new jazz duet „On/Off“ for a tour in the USA. We will then perform in Czech Republic. You are the first person to receive this e-mail with a promotional video and poster. If you ever organize any charitable event in Prague, please do not hesitate to contact me, we will be happy to perform at your event to support others. I still live and work in Dublin, it is very simple to contact me: I have created a link to the Kolowrátek Endowment Fund´s website on my website.
Thank you very much again and I hope that you will like our new video. I will look forward to our paths crossing again in the future.
Yours sincerely,