The Kolowrat-Krakowsky Family Received the Symbolic Rent for Providing the Kolowrat Palace to the National Theatre
Thanks to the kindness of the Kolowrat-Krakowsky family the National Theatre has been using the premises of the Kolowrat Palace for the last 20 years. JUDr. Dominika Kolowrat-Krakowska received the symbolic rent in the amount of 1 Czech Crown from the representatives of the National Theatre during a gala evening at the Estates Theatre, on Tuesday, 5 February 2013.
The ceremony took place on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of birth of Count František Tomáš Kolowrat-Krakowsky. Guests were treated to a performance of the play Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro, directed by the stage director of the National Theatre Drama Stage, Michal Dočekal.
„I’m very glad that the National Theatre co-operates with the Kolowrat-Krakowsky family and that we can continue to use the premises of the Renaissance palace – the attic Kolowrat Theatre,” says Ing. Václav Pelouch.
The Kolowrat Theatre is the perfect place for the chamber production of the National Theatre, as it enables more intimate contact with the audience.
„The Kolowrat-Krakowsky family has always supported the National Theatre. For example, Count Jan Nepomuk Karel Kolowrat-Krakowsky, known as Hanuš, made the largest donation to the construction of the National Theatre. It feels natural to us to continue this long and close co-operation,” JUDr. Dominika Kolowrat-Krakowska explains the relationship between the Kolowrat-Krakowsky family and the National Theatre.
Photo by: Michal Linhart